Welcome to Honeybee & Peony

Honeybee & Peony is the creative cooperative of Leann Manning Photography and Sarah Wachholz, designer. We are both mothers with a flair for the creative. Leann is an on-location photographer who will come to your home and capture images of your children and family as well as your most favorite pets and special occasions. Sarah is a graphic designer who has a special interest in providing creative and beautiful products for families at down to earth prices. She offers such products as birth announcements and greeting cards as well as custom designed invitations and stationary.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Welcome, Ezra!

Congratulations to Sarah and Family on precious little Ezra. Although he weighs in at a hefty 9 lbs, he is still so tiny! Wrinkly toes and little grunts and funny faces abound. He's beautiful and it was so fun to get a few shots of a 1 day old newborn precious little being :) Mommy (and Daddy) are doing great and adjusting to having 3 children to tend to and very happy to be home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's so lovely!