Welcome to Honeybee & Peony

Honeybee & Peony is the creative cooperative of Leann Manning Photography and Sarah Wachholz, designer. We are both mothers with a flair for the creative. Leann is an on-location photographer who will come to your home and capture images of your children and family as well as your most favorite pets and special occasions. Sarah is a graphic designer who has a special interest in providing creative and beautiful products for families at down to earth prices. She offers such products as birth announcements and greeting cards as well as custom designed invitations and stationary.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Quinn recently turned one and this was a great chance to capture what she is liek at age 1. She is inquisitive and smiley and LOVES blowing kisses. It was a really fun shoot! She just scooted herself all around the studio. Her mommy also brought along a great hat she purchased for her to wear on her 1st birthday. Also, another great chance to test my mini-shoot fabric!!

On a side-note. Quinn's mom found my business card at Blooma. Some of you I know already know about Blooma. Those who don't, please look into it. It is located in Edina on 44th and France. It is an amazing place for mom's-to-be, new moms and seasoned moms to practice yoga. I started when Jacob was around 1 and really wish I had started sooner. The owner is a doula and teaches most of the prenatal yoga classes. I have mostly done "Yoga for You". They have childcare at Blooma as well, at a reasonable rate. And I have the child who is very uneasy away from mommy and the other day said, "Blooma! YAY!" soo cute. Just wanted to give them a little shout-out and let those of you know about Blooma who didn't already know!! www.blooma.com
And just so you know, I'm not getting paid in any way to promote Blooma. I just think it's a great place for mommies!!

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