Welcome to Honeybee & Peony

Honeybee & Peony is the creative cooperative of Leann Manning Photography and Sarah Wachholz, designer. We are both mothers with a flair for the creative. Leann is an on-location photographer who will come to your home and capture images of your children and family as well as your most favorite pets and special occasions. Sarah is a graphic designer who has a special interest in providing creative and beautiful products for families at down to earth prices. She offers such products as birth announcements and greeting cards as well as custom designed invitations and stationary.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Evan!

Happy Birthday to Evan who is turning 1! He was so much fun to photograph and full of smiles and hugs for Mom, Dad and Auntie. I am still amazed at his full head of hair - wow!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sam+Arie Married!

Congratulations to Sam and Arie who were married in the very beginning of January and I am finally getting things all finished up!! Their wedding took place in Ames, Iowa at Memorial Lutheran Church and they then celebrated at their reception at the Prairie Moon Winery - a very cool location! Luckily, it was a nice day (as far as January days are concerned) and we were able to sneak outside for a few photos. Thanks to Sam and Arie and their families for having me be a part of their beautiful day!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Honeybee & Peony News

Leann will be moving down the hallway to a new studio in March! It is very similar to the old studio since it is in the same building and even on the same floor. There will be more ease in scheduling studio shoots. My first preference is always coming to your home or a location of your choice, but also realize the importance of having the alternative location of a studio.
March 14th's Mini Sessions will also take place in the new studio.
Here are some photos of the new space.

Our new website will be launched on the day of the mini shoot, so stay tuned. We have been working hard and can't wait to show you the fruits of our labors. We will also have a new and improved blog!

April and May photo sessions will be limited due to a special project I will be doing that month that will be taking up much of my time. If you know now that you want to do a shoot either of those months, please contact me asap to get on the schedule! Thanks!!

Sarah is expecting her third little one at the end of April!! Leann can't wait to meet him and take lots of photos of him.

Still thinking about doing a mini-session with Leann on March 14th?
There is one opening at 1:30pm!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Quinn recently turned one and this was a great chance to capture what she is liek at age 1. She is inquisitive and smiley and LOVES blowing kisses. It was a really fun shoot! She just scooted herself all around the studio. Her mommy also brought along a great hat she purchased for her to wear on her 1st birthday. Also, another great chance to test my mini-shoot fabric!!

On a side-note. Quinn's mom found my business card at Blooma. Some of you I know already know about Blooma. Those who don't, please look into it. It is located in Edina on 44th and France. It is an amazing place for mom's-to-be, new moms and seasoned moms to practice yoga. I started when Jacob was around 1 and really wish I had started sooner. The owner is a doula and teaches most of the prenatal yoga classes. I have mostly done "Yoga for You". They have childcare at Blooma as well, at a reasonable rate. And I have the child who is very uneasy away from mommy and the other day said, "Blooma! YAY!" soo cute. Just wanted to give them a little shout-out and let those of you know about Blooma who didn't already know!! www.blooma.com
And just so you know, I'm not getting paid in any way to promote Blooma. I just think it's a great place for mommies!!


This was a fun shoot! It turned out that I had helped Ellie's mom pick out her wedding dress back when I was working at Amy Jane Bridal. I knew her name was familiar and we both recognized each other. Always fun to reconnect or re-meet someone. Ellie is such a little sweetie and you can tell how much she loves her mommy!!


Congrats Jennifer and Mike! Hudson is so adorable and it was a pleasure to photograph him. I shot J+M's wedding a few years back and it was great to see them again plus their new addition. I also got a chance to test out one of my fabrics for the upcoming mini-shoot in March. Love it!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Spring Mini Shoot - March 14th

We are excited to announce our Spring Mini Session coming in about a month. Please see below for available time slots. To schedule your time, contact Leann: leann@honeybeeandpeony.com

9:00 am Lou + Finn

9:30 am Oliver + Birdie

10:00 am Sascha

10:30 am Brenna

11:00 am Josef + Sofi

11:30 am Elaina + Emmitt

12:00 pm Evan + Chayse

12:30-1:30 Lunch Break!!

1:30 pm Makenna

2:00 pm Wesley + Blake

2:30 pm Signe

3:00 pm Karma + kids

3:30 pm Grace + Isaac

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Eva Bear

Happy Birthday Little Miss Eva!
Eva is one of Jacob's little buddies who we met at ECFE and her mom is now a good friend of mine. I wanted to test out some fabric for my upcoming mini-sessions (on March 14th, more info to come!!) and knew Eva was the perfect little model!

Andrew + William

A big welcome to William to the Drake Family! They are another family I have had the honor of seeing get married and then become a family with Andrew and now with William. I was so amazed to walk in and see that Alex was no longer a toddler but is more of a little boy now. I also got to capture photos of the first time Andrew got to hold William which was a really special moment. He was so excited to be holding his little baby brother.

Jack + Elsa

I was so excited to meet little Elsa for the first time and see Jack again. he has gotten so big! I photographed mom and dad's wedding a few years back and love to see their growing family. We did the shoot at my studio and Jack LOVED running all around and pretending to scare me. It was a fun shoot!!