Katherine and Sydney are growing up so quick! I remember when Katie was just a little thing and we were taking photos of her in a giant pumpkin at my house on 44th and Harriet. Now she is a big sis and also has a new little brother coming in the spring. I feel like Sydney was just born but am so excited to meet the new little one, too!

Little Allie turned 3 months old and did great at her photo shoot. We attempted to put her in a stocking. Unfortunately, she would not fit, so I had to test my photoshopping skills to make her appear to be in the stocking. What a doll.

I totally forgot what it was like to have a 10 month old crawling around. Ethan reminded me! Wow, can he get around quick. Luckily we were able to get him to hold still every here and there. Cooper the dog was also a fabulous model.

Sometimes the weather works out so great for shoots. This day was great! The snow made for the perfect "natural prop". Max and Charlie were troopers and Max is so good with Charlie and getting him to smile.

I always get just a little case of the nerves when going into a large family with children spanning many age groups. But it seems to be that they are the most cooperative!! The Hjelle's were so much fun to photograph and SO photogenic. All of those beautiful blue eyes are just killer!

Oh my gosh. These two ae just WAY too cute :) There's something so cute about babies in Santa hats... and then you add a little nudie butt and it gets all the cuter.

Here is little Julia and family. Her mom really wanted a shot of her with the surprised look on her face (bottom middle) to go with a photo of her when she was younger. We tried so hard to get the shot and finally, I had a few minutes alone with Julia and she finally gave "the face"!! A small victory :)