Welcome to Honeybee & Peony

Honeybee & Peony is the creative cooperative of Leann Manning Photography and Sarah Wachholz, designer. We are both mothers with a flair for the creative. Leann is an on-location photographer who will come to your home and capture images of your children and family as well as your most favorite pets and special occasions. Sarah is a graphic designer who has a special interest in providing creative and beautiful products for families at down to earth prices. She offers such products as birth announcements and greeting cards as well as custom designed invitations and stationary.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Welcome, Henry!

This is Baby Henry! He was named after his great-grandpa and is laying on a chair that WAS his great-grandpa's!! He was only about a week old when we took these photos and I was very impressed by his super long feet and toes.

Thanks for a Great 2008!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa Baby

Here is Elijah doing his best impression of a naked Santa Baby. He is just way too cute. What a good little poser. Such sweet grins!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

One I missed...

Looking at these photos really makes me miss the fall weather :( I had a lot of fun with Ella and her mom and dad running around at a park in Woodbury. She was such a cute little model and enjoyed walking through the tall grasses and smelline dandelions! Cutie pie!

Catching Up. Enjoy!

Katherine and Sydney are growing up so quick! I remember when Katie was just a little thing and we were taking photos of her in a giant pumpkin at my house on 44th and Harriet. Now she is a big sis and also has a new little brother coming in the spring. I feel like Sydney was just born but am so excited to meet the new little one, too!

Little Allie turned 3 months old and did great at her photo shoot. We attempted to put her in a stocking. Unfortunately, she would not fit, so I had to test my photoshopping skills to make her appear to be in the stocking. What a doll.

I totally forgot what it was like to have a 10 month old crawling around. Ethan reminded me! Wow, can he get around quick. Luckily we were able to get him to hold still every here and there. Cooper the dog was also a fabulous model.

Sometimes the weather works out so great for shoots. This day was great! The snow made for the perfect "natural prop". Max and Charlie were troopers and Max is so good with Charlie and getting him to smile.

I always get just a little case of the nerves when going into a large family with children spanning many age groups. But it seems to be that they are the most cooperative!! The Hjelle's were so much fun to photograph and SO photogenic. All of those beautiful blue eyes are just killer!

Oh my gosh. These two ae just WAY too cute :) There's something so cute about babies in Santa hats... and then you add a little nudie butt and it gets all the cuter.

Here is little Julia and family. Her mom really wanted a shot of her with the surprised look on her face (bottom middle) to go with a photo of her when she was younger. We tried so hard to get the shot and finally, I had a few minutes alone with Julia and she finally gave "the face"!! A small victory :)

Baby G

Last Christmas, my wonderful clients used Honeybee & Peony to annouce their pregnancy to their friends and family with a photo I took of their dog Rex looking in an empty baby basinette, waiting for the Little Man to arrive! This year, he is already 8 months old and such a cutie. We wiere lucky to get some good smiley shots at the beginning of the shoot, because halfway into the shoot, he sneezed and boogers were everywhere and he got very unhappy with our efforts to get photos of him with the dog. He had developed his first real cold and was not about to be happy just for the sake of pictures. So, here are some great ones from the beginning of the shoot!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Holiday Sessions and Card Deadlines

Happy Holidays to You All!

We are so pleased with the response to our Holiday Cards this year and you are keeping us very busy, indeed!

There are a few deadline we would like you to know about in case you are still pondering your Christmas Cards:

December 15th!! This is the last day we will be taking orders for cards. Any orders submitted after this date can not be guaranteed delivery prior to Christmas.

December 8th (today) Leann will not be taking any more photo shoots prior to Christmas other than those that have been previously scheduled.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Leann & Sarah

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Welcome Finn Oliver!

A big warm welcome to Finn Oliver who was born on Sunday. He came 2 weeks early and was still 8 lbs 7 oz. Big Boy! I got to take photos of him when he was only 2 days old. Wow! Big Bro Lou is doing great with him. It is so strange, because Finn looks nothing like Lou when he was born. Congratulations Mom and Dad. He is a beautiful little man. And PS, I LOVE his middle name :)

Welcome, Vera!

A few years ago, on New Years Eve, I got the pleasure of meeting Andy and Briony and photographing their wedding. They now have to beautiful little girls. When I photographed Vera, she was only 7 days old and big sister Lucy is such a doll. It was great to see you and to meet your family.

Giving Thanks

Thanks so much to everyone who has entrusted me to photograph your most precious memories. Your newborn baby, your wedding day, your toddler being his or her precious and precocious self, your favorite pet...the lost goes on! Thanks for keeping me on my toes and busy. Every now and then I find myself complaining a little about being busy and staying up late editing photos, but I truly love every moment of what I do. Getting to meet new families and brand new little people is so much fun. I'm thankful for all of you who have passed my name along to others. THANKS!

You have all been keeping me busy this holiday season and I have fallen a bit behind on my blogging. Here is a batch of some collages from my most recent shoots. For those of you who are still waiting for you photos, more coming soon! I'm finally catching up. Yay!

I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving surrounded by those you love.

Smiley Sean is already 3 months old and SOOO cute! This time we also took some whole family shots.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Jack!

Carson and Nolan were so full of energy and fun! Thanks, guys!

For those of you who have seen our new business cards, the star of the cards is curly haired Grace in the photos above and new little sis, Lily.

Molly and Marlow are too precious! Molly is so full of energy and LOVES her chalk!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ready to Laugh or Cry?

Place your bets now...I thought this was a funny question! Is she ready to let out a big belly laugh or a big wailing cry? Check back later for the next frame!

Well, here is the answer, she was ready to cry. Sometimes photo shoots can be a little tough, but we all get through it!! Photographer and subject :)

Monday, November 24, 2008


Griffin is so adorable and really started having fun when he hardly had any clothes on which was hilarious. Happy 2nd Birthday, Griffin!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Holiday Card Information

Since the holiday card designs and information were posted in October, just click this link here for information and here for designs. Order now to avoid the December rush!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Birth Announcements

New birth announcements will be coming in the next week, along with more information about prices and sizes for 2009. Stay tuned!

Jacob's Girlfriend

I like to refer to Makaela as Jacob's girlfriend since we live on the same block as her AND she is so adorable. It was a lot of fun to get to do a shoot for the family as a trade for Jennifer's Rolfing services (like massage, but different!) so if anyone needs any bodywork, she is awesome!! Thanks guys!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to Isaac who is 1 now and to Ella who is turning 2 (I CAN NOT believe it!)! I have been photographing these two cuties since they were both born and have so much fun seeing them as they grow. It's such a pleasure! I hope you have (had) wonderful birthdays.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Baby Boden

This little sweetie was only 7 days old when we took his newborn photos. He was so alert the entire time and a great little model! Congratulations on Boden. He is a sweetie and I'm sure the dogs will love him as soon as he starts eating cheerios and dropping them on the floor for them :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Pire Boys

Charlie and Everett were a joy to photograph. I got to meet Charlie last year and now the new little bro is here. I'm so happy for the whole family with the healthy birth of Everett. He is such a joy and a blessing and Charlie is going to be such a great big brother.
Big Yawn!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

G + E

Gavin and Estella are children of a couple whose wedding I photographed 6 years ago, which is just amazing to me. It was so great to see them again and see how the twins have grown. I took photos of them at their baptism party when they were newborns and my how they have grown!! They are so much fun! We had a great day over by the Guthrie and Mill City Museum.

Monday, November 3, 2008

What a lucky big brother with his little sisters who are SOOO adorable! A few of these photos were used on our Holiday Card samples, too! I always worry when I have this sort of age range for group photos, but they were so very well behaved for photos and it was a breeze.

Fun Fall Shoots and Catching Up!!

I'm sorry I have been so horrible with keeping my photos on the blog up to date, but I have you all to blame :) You've been keeping me so busy with all of you beautiful families!! Thanks so much! Here are two more of my super fun fall shoots from October.

Welcome Cadence!

A big welcome to Cadence who big sis calls "Tiny Baby". I was so excited to meet my newest "Birthday Buddy" and always love to see the rest of the family too!! I got to photograph big sis Ainsley when she was a newborn as well and have enjoyed continuing to see the family each year.
Thanks Michaela and Seth and Congratulations on the newest addition to your family.

Boys Boys Boys!

These boys are so adorable and so much fun to photograph! And I must say, Baby George wins Honeybee & Peony's Best Baby Smile Award!! He seriously has the biggest baby smile I have ever seen :)

Sam+Arie Engaged

I got to spend a beautiful fall day out and about with Sam and Arie at Minnehaha Falls Park. They were so cute, cuddly and kissie!! Perfect. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys again in January for the big day!

Monday, October 27, 2008


I wish I could bottle the energy these kids have and keep it around for long tiring days! I get to photograph them every year around this time and every year we do a photo in the same chair, which they are just about outgrowing. Thanks for having me again this year and it was so fun to see the wall of photos getting more and more full :)

Mini Shoot - Big Collage!

Thanks so much to everyone who took part in the Mini Photo Session two weekends ago. It was a really fun day. Exhausting, but SO much fun to see 12 families on one day. Some new to me and some old friends and family. Thanks also to everyone who helped make the day run so smoothly. You girls can find yourselves immortalized forever in the collage too. Here is a little snippet of the day and some of my favorites.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Card Information Prices

• All holiday cards are 5 inches x 7 inches (horizontal or vertical).

• Most cards can be customized to accomodate a different number of pictures,
color, different greeting, etc.

• Cards printed on photo paper DO NOT have a printed back. All other paper options include front AND back printing; you can include your personalized greeting or message

• Each card comes with an equal number of envelopes plus one and requires only standard postage.

• Once we receive your order form and electronic picture files by email or mail, a proof will be made and sent to you within two business days. Upon your approval of the proof, your cards will be printed and received in 7-10 business days. Up to two revisions following the first proof can be made; additional revisions will be $5.00 a piece. Due to some technical difficulties, the form is not available from this blog, but if you would like it emailed to you, send a note to: sarah@honeybeeandpeony.com

• To have your cards mailed to you, an additional $10 will be charged. If you would like to pick them up, we will try to make arrangements with you.

• Payment is due before your order will be sent to you or you can pick them up.
Cash or check made out to honeybee and peony, LLC” are accepted. You can mail your order form and/or payment to:
Honeybee & Peony, c/o Sarah Wachholz, 6740 Sheridan Ave S,Richfield , MN 55423

• A custom design can be made specifically for you for an additional $25. For more information about custom cards, please email sarah@honeybeeandpeony.com.

• You have five paper options. The photo paper cards are printed on Kodak Professional Lustre paper. The next option is cardstock, which is cover stock with a little bit of gloss. Two art papers are available: linen or watercolor. They are both a heavier weight of paper with a linen or watercolor texture. The pearl paper is also a heavier paper with a metallic finish.

The prices per card for each paper type are as follows:

Holiday Card Selection


#08- STAMP








#07- JOY


#12- PEACE