Welcome to Honeybee & Peony

Honeybee & Peony is the creative cooperative of Leann Manning Photography and Sarah Wachholz, designer. We are both mothers with a flair for the creative. Leann is an on-location photographer who will come to your home and capture images of your children and family as well as your most favorite pets and special occasions. Sarah is a graphic designer who has a special interest in providing creative and beautiful products for families at down to earth prices. She offers such products as birth announcements and greeting cards as well as custom designed invitations and stationary.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Please visit our new blog at:

Monday, July 27, 2009

New "Hours" and Vacation

Hi All! In an attempt to keep my life somewhat sane and also have some time with my lovely little family, I will be adopting a new schedule and therefore I will no longer be doing shoots on Tuesdays or Sundays.

Also, I will be on "summer vacation" from August 10th thru the 16th in an attempt to catch up with things and re-group :)

If you know that you would like to schedule a shoot in August, September or October please contact me soon, especially if it is a weekend shoot you are looking for. I do not have ANY weekend shoots available in August or September unless I have a cancellation.

Happy Summer!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Catching Up!

It has been an extremely busy summer and I am so thankful for all of you who have been keeping me busy and all of your wonderful children who have been keeping me on my toes :)
I have not been doing so well on keeping up with blogging my current work. Here are some of the fun shoots I have been doing this summer!!

Thanks Choui

Above is my Jacob's little girlfriend Eva and her little sister Machara.

Congrats on new baby Morgan!

Sam's 6 month photos. What a ham :)


I had a great time photographing Logan at Lake Harriet a few weeks back. He was such a great little guy and so easy to photograph. Plus, mom and dad were nice and relaxed and low-key. It was a beautiful morning and a great shoot.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Baby's First Year SYDNEY

Sydney is officially the first baby (now 1 year old) to complete my Baby's First Year Package!
This package includes a photo shoot for each milestone age and at the end, you receive a frame-able printed collage of each of your favorites. Here is little Sydney growing before our eyes! It's amazing how time flies and infants grow to toddlers.

For more info on my Baby's First Year package, visit our website at www.honeybeeandpeony.com

Happy Birthday Nolan!

Nolan is the nephew of great friends of ours. I've been taking photos of him since he was a newborn and now he is ONE! I was so excited to take his one year photos. We had a fun shoot that started at home and then we moved on to Lake Calhoun for some fun beach shots.

One of my favorites is the one at the bottom right of the collage. We were headed back home from the lake and he was chatting on his cell phone in his wagon. Too cute! And here is a bigger shot of him checkin' out a little lady at the beach. Maybe he's calling her on his cell phone :)

and here is Nolan with his main squeeze, Mommy! Happy First Year, Nolan! I can't wait to meet your new baby sibling in December!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sweet Little Victoria

I had such a blast taking photos of Victoria.  She was such an expressive little cutie and mom and dad brought lots of fun outfit changes that added to the cuteness factor.  My favorite from this shoot was the super close up of her cute little pout and beautiful eyes.